The World After Us

Traveling exhibition catalog and documentary

Title: The World After Us: Imaging techno-aesthetic futures
Texts: Edward A. Shanken, Nathaniel Stern, Amanda Boetzkes, Kate Mondloch, Jennifer Johung, Kennan Ferguson, Coe Douglas
Style: Hardcover and bound, 200 pages
Publisher: Nathaniel Stern and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Date of Publication: 2020
Language: English
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Object list (with prices)

The World After Us: Imaging techno-aesthetic futures is Nathaniel Stern’s traveling solo exhibition of sculptures, installations, prints, and photographs that combine plant life with electronic waste, and scientific experimentation with artistic exploration. They take the forms of: a wall-hung jungle of computer detritus and biological reclamation; fossilized and reconfigured phones and laptops; and reimagined and re-formed electronics.

What will digital media be and do, after us?
What will my laptop, phone, or tablet look like in a million years?
How will our devices weather or grow over time?
What else might our techno-waste be, and how might we sense and feel this?
Where might electronics lead our environmental and economic politics?
Can we plan and act toward new and different futures?

This body of work transforms what we discard so as to rethink conversations, thoughts, and actions around media production, use, and waste. At stake, whether in our everyday interactions or on a much larger scale, are the relationships between humans and the natural world on the one hand, between politics and commerce on the other.

The World After Us makes available this 200-page hardcover catalog, a short documentary, and an audio tour. It is generously supported by the UWM Office of Research. 


South African exhibition catalog, featuring stuttering, static, and works from Distill Life and Call and Response.

TitleTranscode: Dialogues Around Intermedia Practice
Author: Gwenneth Miller
Publisher: UNISA (University of South Africa) Art Gallery
Date of Publication: 2017 (exhibition 2011)
Language: English

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Other Frames



Title: Other Frames: Malcolm Levy and Sensing Images
Author: Nathaniel Stern
Publisher: Transfer Gallery
Date of Publication: February 2015
Language: English

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TAF Catalog

Interview: Nathaniel Stern, Featured Artist
Photos: Nathaniel Stern
Publisher: Turbine Art Fair, Johannesburg
Date of Publication: 2014
Language: English

Read / download the scan.


Meaning Motion press

IMG_5794Meaning Motion was a duo exhibition (with Tegan Bristow) of interactive art, at the Wits Art Museum in Johannesburg, South Africa, June – August 2013. It took up two floors of the museum, and featured 8 installations of work, including the international premiere of Stern’s scripted, and the first full exhibition of his Body Language suite of work – all with new, updated code.

Body Language (2000 – 2013) is a suite of four interactive works that has us encounter some of the complex relationships between materiality and text. Each piece stages the experience and practice of bodies and language in a different way, enabling in-depth explorations of how they are always implicated across one another. elicit invites viewers to perform the continuity between text and the body; enter effectively asks its participants to investigate how words and activity are inherently entwined; stuttering provokes its performers into exploring the labor and intimacy of embodied listening and communication; and scripted asks us to remember how the activities of writing, the shape and sound of language, are forever a part of the physical world.

Meaning Motion produced two publications, including a Body Language catalog with essay by Charlie Gere, and coincides with a panel on interactive art at the International Symposium on Electronic Art (Australia), and the release of Stern’s book, Interactive Art and Embodiment: The Implicit Body as Performance.

Various press includes:

The Politics of Meaning and Voice,” in Business Day
Viewers Make the Art Work,” in the Mail and Guardian
“The Games Artists Play: Performance and Failure” in the Sunday Independent
An interview with Nathaniel Stern on the Morning Buzz, WORTfm in Madison
Meaning Maker” on
An interview with Tegan Bristow on Radio Today, Johannesburg
Wam set to wow this June,” in the City Buzz, Johannesburg

Body Language

Body Language catalog

Interactive art suite, Catalog and Videos

Title: Body Language / Nathaniel Stern
Essay: Charlie Gere
Design: Andrew McConville
Photos: Nathaniel Stern, Wyatt Tinder, Andrew McConville and Joseph Mougel
Documentation Videos: Nathaniel Stern
Publisher: Nathaniel Stern and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Date of Publication: 2013
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-620-56861-6 (print) and 978-0-620-56862-3 (e-book)
Download Body Language as PDF (2.4 mb)

Dynamic Stasis

Dynamic Stasis catalogue, Nathaniel Stern + Jessica Meuninck-Ganger

Exhibition Catalogue and Videos

Title: Dynamic Stasis / Nathaniel Stern and Jessica Meuninck-Ganger
Essay: Richard Grusin
Design: Andrew McConville and Jeff Ganger
Photos: Jessica Kaminski
Documentation Videos: Brian James McGuire
Publisher: Gallery AOP, Nathaniel Stern and Jessica Meuninck-Ganger
Date of Publication: 2013
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-620-55064-2
Download Dynamic Stasis as PDF (6 mb)
Available from Gallery AOP, Johannesburg

Maximo Ramos

Maximo Ramos

Exhibition Catalog

Title: 22 Premio Internacional de Gráfica Máximo Ramos 2012
Writer and curator: Anne Heyvaert
Publisher: Centro Torrente Ballester
Date of Publication: 2012
Language: Spanish and English
Download as PDF (3.8mb)
Available from Centro Torrente Ballester

Replacing Home

Replacing Home

Exhibition Catalog

Title: Replacing Home
Writer and curator: Jennifer Johung
Publisher: JAUS Gallery and University of Minnesota Press
Date of Publication: 2012
Design: Joe Grennier
Language: English
Download as PDF (2mb)
Available from the JAUS Gallery, Los Angeles

Related artworks:
Other related texts:

Current Tendencies II

Current Tendencies II:

Museum Catalog

Title: Current Tendencies II: Artists From Milwaukee
Editor and curator: Lynne Shumow
Essays by: Bonnie Brennen, Roberta Coles, Ryan Hanley, Thomas Jablonsky, Jason Ladd, Richard Lewis, Danielle Nussberger, Melissa Shew and Larry Watson
Publisher: The Haggerty Museum
Date of Publication: 2011
Language: English
Download as PDF (4mb)
Available from the Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee

Related artworks:
Other related texts:

Passing Between

Passing Between catalogue, Nathaniel Stern + Jessica Meuninck-Ganger

Exhibition Catalogue and DVD

Title: Passing Between / Nathaniel Stern and Jessica Meuninck-Ganger
Essay: Nicole Ridgway
Design: Jeff Ganger and Jesse Egan
Documentary Videos: Sean Kafer
Music: Michael Szpakowski
Publisher: Gallery AOP
Date of Publication: 2010
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-620-45908-2
Download as PDF (4 mb)
Available from Gallery AOP, Johannesburg

Videos on the included DVD

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Call and Response

Call and Response catalogue, Nathaniel Stern

Exhibition Catalogue

nathaniel stern: the compressionist, by Clive Kellner, Director, Johannesburg Art Gallery
narrating the database: the performative and iterative prints of nathaniel stern, by Wilhelm van Rensburg, Art Educator, University of Johannesburg

Editor: Nicole Ridgway
Design: Ellen Papciak-Rose
Publisher: Nathaniel Stern and Art on Paper Gallery
Date of Publication: 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-620-37812-3
Download as PDF (1.4mb)
Available from Gallery AOP, Johannesburg

Related artworks:
Other related texts:

Kebble Art Awards

Exhibition Catalogue, The Brett Kebble Art Awards

Exhibition Catalogue, The Brett Kebble Art Awards
two thousand and four

Configuring culture – Art is what you make of it, by Virginia Mackenny, University of Cape Town
Filtering, by Clive van den Berg
Roller-Coaster Ride, by Churchill Madikida
Serious by not Solemn, by Julia Charlton

Editor: Clive van den Berg
Publisher: Brett Kebble
Date of Publication: 2004
Language: English
ISBN: 0-620-33020-1

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Other related texts: