Landscapes and Icons

Landscapes and Icons
May – October 2007
Haydn Shaughnessy Gallery
Kinsale, West Cork, Ireland

Landscapes and Icons is a duo exhibition (alongside Paul LaRoque) with 14 new digital Compressionist prints. These were made through performative scans of the landscape in Dublin and West Cork, and published by the Haydn Shaughnessy Gallery.

Original Compressionism documentation

Excerpts from the gallery’s press release:

“Nathaniel is a true innovator who has a remarkable artistic technique…. I’ve had the pleasure of watching him at work, performing his scans of the Irish landscape and making images none of us could have imagined. Here the human and machine are … collaboratively producing artworks of depth and complexity consistently.”

“They arrive through Nathaniel’s relationship with and understanding of the technology he uses and his … interpretation of the moments he spends in the company of his subjects. Something is happening here that I am sure we will one day reflect on and see as a pivotal moment in the history of technology and the image.”

Updated documentation for Rippling Images