Falling Still, a collaboration with Yevgeniya Kaganovich, utilizes 200 cement-cast feathers as individual pixels to create a larger image across 6 planes. Each of these sculptures has been hand-poured into molds of actual feathers, exhibiting finely detailed quills on one side, and flat concrete surfaces on the other. They hang from the ceiling via discrete fishing lines, swinging, twisting and turning as viewers move around the 8 x 15 x 4 foot installation area. From all perspectives but one, the work floats between 1-dimensional lines, 2-dimensional planes and 3-dimensional pixels. View it exactly perpendicular to its planes, and all the work’s elements cohere into a bit-mapped image of a body, leaping through the air. While Falling Still is itself suspended between movement and stasis, it also moves and arrests us. The installation directs us in and around incongruous objects, through an improbable image, and across multiple dimensions.
Falling Still premiered at the Art History Gallery, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, from 2 – 16 December 2010. The show was curated by Jennifer Johung, whose accompanying text was distributed as a printed booklet at the opening.
download Falling Still booklet, with text by the curator, as PDF (300 kb)
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